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BA (Hons) Fashion Media & Marketing (Jan 2025 Start)

<p>Study with us and you’ll expand your critical approach alongside developing skills in research and analysis. Our creative programmes encourage diversity in thinking and making - from practical applications through to reflective, analytical writing.</p> <p>We provide a dynamic, stimulating learning environment from which to test new models of practice while investing in the rich relationship between practice and theory - based on the potential in material and visual exploration, collaborative working, cross-fertilisation of ideas and the exploration of histories and contemporary contexts. </p> <p>For more detailed information, including the content of each unit, assessment criteria and reading lists, take a look at the <strong>full course information</strong> within our <strong><a href="https://aup.lon1.digitaloceanspaces.com/production/files/courses/2023/UG-Course-Specification-Forms-and-Unit-Specification-Forms-2324/BA-Hons-Fashion-Communication-Unit-Specification-Forms.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Unit Specification Form</a></strong> and our <strong><a href="https://aup.lon1.digitaloceanspaces.com/production/files/courses/2023/UG-Course-Specification-Forms-and-Unit-Specification-Forms-2324/BA-Hons-Fashion-Communication-Course-Specification-Form-2023-24.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Course Specification Form</a></strong> documents.</p>