Learning Lab
Our Resources

Library & Academic Skills

We deliver activities, resources and workshops to support the academic and professional development of all HE students. Find out about the Library, Careers, Academic Skills & IT Support teams here.

We deliver activities, resources and workshops to support the academic and professional development of all HE students.

<p>Comprising Academics and Professional Service staff, each team is made of subject-experts who are available for students to engage with via one-to-one appointments, drops-ins, online resources and extracurricular workshops. Sessions are run both online and on-campus. These outstanding provisions are available to all students across undergraduate and postgraduate programmes to allow students to autonomously develop their knowledge and skills in line with their individual aspirations and needs. <br /></p> <p><strong>This area includes:</strong></p><ul><li>The Library, Information Professionals &amp; Collections</li><li>Academic Skills</li><li>Learning Technologies &amp; IT Support</li><li>Careers</li><li>Student Experience </li></ul>
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<p>Our library is an enviable resource, with over 28,000 items comprising physical and digital resources including <strong>books and journals </strong>(both print and online), <strong>DVDs, computer games, a digital video collection and subscriptions to over 90 renowned print publications</strong>. The collection spans the breadth and depth of our provision, ensuring that you have the necessary contextual resources no matter your subject area. The library supports students by ensuring that we have copies of books from your reading lists, as well as resources supporting wider creative interests.<br /></p> <p>An extensive website also provides access to <strong>research databases, ebook providers </strong>and <strong>online journals</strong>, and the library has areas for quiet study and group work. Our comprehensive online catalogue system can be accessed from home or the university, as well as many other online databases such as <strong>JSTOR, Art &amp; Architectural Source </strong>and <strong>Vogue Magazine's archives.</strong></p> <p>You’ll gain support and guidance from the library team, including online and in-person advice on researching, referencing, digital literacy and academic practice.<br /></p> <p>In addition to this, the library has a collection of books to support students' success at university, with topics ranging from mental health and wellbeing to making the most of university and essay writing.</p>
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<p>Our friendly and experienced Academic Skills team delivers a range of advice, guidance and skills development to support you with your studies. We deliver workshops and/or drop-ins on a weekly basis that are open to all current students and students are able to <strong>book one-to-one or small group sessions</strong> with an Academic Skills Advisor to suit their individual needs and schedules. </p> <p>There are also many online resources that can be accessed via the Academic Skills pages on the <strong><a href="https://sites.google.com/pca.ac.uk/student-portal/home" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Student Portal</a></strong>, such as downloadable guides, videos and handouts.<br /></p>
<p>The university has an emerging study collection that includes books, prints, and original work by abstract artist <a href="https://www.plymouthart.ac.uk/blog/news/wilhelmina-barns-graham-a-lasting-legacy-of-abstract-geometry">Wilhelmina Barns-Graham</a>, surrealist Ithell Colquhoun and painter Robert Lenkiewicz. A number of pieces are on display around the university for educational and research purposes. </p> <p>Additionally, our Vice Chancellor's collection continues to grow, and includes renowned artists, alumni, staff and students. Some notable pieces include Big Colour (2003), Anthony Frost; Christ’s Hospital (2010), Martin Parr; Gilbert &amp; George (2015), Tom Oldham; and Paradise Lost: Kikau Street and Forty Ships (2017), Mohini Chandra.</p>
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Geoffrey Bertram gives a free public lecture at our undergraduate campus, to celebrate the donation of a selection of original prints from Wilhelmina Barns-Graham.

<p>Being a traditionally smaller university, we are proud of the community we cultivate on campus and beyond. Part of our community growth plan involves creating bespoke sessions and events for our students that aim to enrich their experience.</p> <p>Our dedicated Student Experience officer works with technical and academic staff on our <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/student-life/workshop-wednesdays">Workshop Wednesdays</a> initiative. This is a rolling programme of sessions run by staff and offers students a chance to switch up their creative practice and learn something new. From ceramics to animation, through to honing academic skills and writing, or experimenting with new technologies in Fab Lab South West, the sessions on offer during Workshop Wednesdays change regularly to offer students a rich, rolling programme of opportunities.<br /></p>
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<p>Alongside these workshops, we also run an ever-changing program of events under the guise of Enrichment Weeks. There are 4 of these weeks throughout each academic year and themes include employability, technical skills, digital literacy and more. Enrichment Weeks are good for students who want a deeper understanding of a chosen topic or to be used as a break after a deadline.</p> <p>The Student Experience is something we focus on strongly at the university and we are actively looking for new ways to collaborate and communicate with our students, the voice of the student does not go unheard and our staff do what we can to raise our students up and celebrate their successes. </p>