Research Repository
Putting It Into Practice: bridging the gap between learning and doing
<p>This paper sets out to explore thinking-through-making as a complex dynamic of learnt skills and intuitive thought and to examine how these may be taught in what will be termed in this context ‘learning and doing’. The paper proposes that, whilst there are established strategies relating to the acquisition of craft skills and to creativity, it is less clear how intuition, as the act of knowing or sensing in the moment, can be taught in the context of art and design education. The paper will take the practice of drawing as its exemplar in this exploration of intuition, examining how it might be described and imparted in an education context and its value in creative, entrepreneurial and sustainable practice. It sets out to unpack what we might mean by ‘intuition’ in arts practice by examining the Aristotelian concepts of techné, metis and kairos. This mode of thinking is seen as the desired result in creative practice and the paper will argue that it is expressed most cogently in the teaching of drawing.</p>
Making Futures Journal Vol 3
Research Type