Research Repository
Drawing Learning/Learning Drawing: a personal view
<p>In the context of an increasingly target-driven education system, the rise of new mainstream qualifications and control measures for secondary education have steered a sharp course away from creative subjects. According to Biesta, in ‘educational systems that reduce children to test scores, that stifle creativity or only allow creativity if it generates the ‘right’ outcomes [ ], the arts definitely have an important role to play’ (Biesta 2018). We face an increasing need to reassert the role and practice of drawing as an insubordinate and radical proposition in learning, capable of unlocking new ideas, thoughts and experiences in and of the world. How might drawing challenge, or be challenged by, the orthodoxies of an industrialised education system, and how it might continue to offer us routes to new knowledge and understanding?<br /></p>
Drawing Symposium: UWE Nov 2019
Research Type