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Student Life

Health & Wellbeing

Mentoring, student counselling, health services, referrals and wellbeing workshops

The university offers a variety of free in-house services during your studies through the Student Support team, which focuses on services such as counselling, wellbeing, and learning disability support.

<p dir="ltr">Students can be referred by their tutors or self-refer for these specific types of assistance through Student Support. </p> <p dir="ltr">Alongside our Student Support services, the university provides a range of other essential services including library resources, academic skills development, IT support, technical assistance, and guidance related to employment and careers. Our Library, Academic Skills, and Learning Technologies teams offer personalised 1:1 support and group sessions across a broad range of topics, including accessibility tools, time management, critical reading and note-taking, turning reading/research into writing, writing (reflective, critical, and academic writing), hidden talents of dyslexia, dissertations, referencing, researching, confidence, and presentation skills. The vast majority of material covered is also available online in video format, together with further supporting information also online. </p> <p dir="ltr">It’s important to note that while Student Support concentrates on specific areas, these additional university services contribute to your overall academic and personal development. <br /></p> <p dir="ltr">For specific support in areas like library services, academic skills, IT, technical assistance, and career guidance, students can access these resources directly through our internal booking system, Smarthub, or the respective university departments.<br /></p>
<p dir="ltr">Our Library, Academic Skills and Learning Technologies teams offer personalised 1:1 support and group sessions across a broad range of topics (accessibility tools, time management, critical reading and note-taking, turning reading/research into writing, writing (reflective, critical and academic writing), hidden talents of dyslexia, dissertations, referencing, researching, confidence and presentation skills etc). The vast majority of material covered is also available online in video format, together with further supporting information also online.<br /></p>
A young woman with red hair and glasses shows her portfolio on her laptop to an female industry photographer in a one to one portfolio review.
<p dir="ltr">Student Support services are a safe, non-judgemental, confidential space, which can provide support for a wide range of issues, such as:</p><ul><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Disability Support Advice</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Anxiety and depression</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Trauma</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Self-harm</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Mental health and wellbeing support related to LGBTQ+</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Bereavement</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Relationship issues and challenges</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Loneliness and isolation </p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">General wellbeing - insomnia, dietary and lifestyle advice and information </p></li></ul><div><strong>For more information, contact <a href="mailto:studentsupport@aup.ac.uk">studentsupport@aup.ac.uk</a></strong></div>
<p dir="ltr">You can request to access the services at any time. It might be that during discussion with teaching teams, during pastoral 1-to-1 tutorial sessions, or during an academic tutorial, you are signposted. Our tutors will have a good understanding of your learning style and needs, and will therefore be best placed to know where to signpost. </p> <p dir="ltr">You also don't need to wait for your tutorials, you can self-refer to any of our services in confidence.</p>
<p dir="ltr">We have developed a range of health and wellbeing services to help combat difficulties arising from stress, depression, anxiety, insomnia and panic attacks etc. These services include “integrative counselling” which means our therapists can use different counselling approaches, based on the student's need and personal circumstances - treating each person as whole. We offer six sessions to all students entering the service, and longer term support where appropriate for students with more complex mental health needs. We are a generalised service, which means we can support a variety of mental health difficulties and where the need is complex, we would refer to external services, working with their input and support.</p> <p dir="ltr">Our Wellbeing and Welfare support includes, 1:1 advisory sessions, lifestyle advice, solution focussed therapy, dõ-in relaxation techniques, mindfulness/meditation training, acupuncture clinics and yoga.</p> <p dir="ltr">With recognition of the rise in mental health issues amongst students, we have provided mental health first aid training for staff, and are looking to increase the availability of this training in the future. For students with disabilities and additional needs, we also have a learning disability team as part of Student Support.<br /></p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>For Student Support information specific to each level of study, please click on the links below.</strong><br /></p>
<p dir="ltr">If you are a current student, you can access a range of services online through the Student Counselling site, the Wellbeing site and the Student Support site by clicking on the links below. These sites will help you to book a session with a counsellor, find information and tips on improving mental health and wellbeing, as well as where to go for specific support and help on a wide range of subjects, from bereavement to LGBTQ+ support.</p><ul><li><a href="https://sites.google.com/aup.ac.uk/student-support/home?authuser=0" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Student Support homepage</a> - includes information about the kind of support you can access at Arts University Plymouth, as well as a link to book a session with a counsellor.</li></ul> <p><strong>Please note that the above sites and services are only available for current, enrolled students to access.</strong><br /></p>